Admin - Workflows
- Cflow Connect: API Integration for Process Automation
- How can I re-assign a workflow request to a co-worker?
- Where can I customize a workflow?
- How do I delete a workflow?
- How do I arrange the position of the workflows and lookups?
- How can I create a lookup (Master table)?
- How do I configure the Lookup conditions?
- How do I configure user-based approval?
- How do I automatically assign approvers to a workflow?
- How do I populate a dropdown with values from a lookup table?
- How do I insert a new stage after publishing the workflow?
- Where can I view the flowchart of a workflow?
- How do I design and print custom documents as pdf?
- How do I provide public access to a workflow?
- How do I backup my data in Cflow?
- How do I connect to external database from Cflow?
- Can I track the changes to the status for a process stage?
- Where can I look at the history of the workflows in Cflow?