How do I insert a new stage after publishing the workflow?

For inserting a new stage after publishing the workflow, follow these steps –

1- Navigate to the workflow setup page from the dashboard.
2- After landing on the Workflow Setup page, click on the workflow for which the stages need to be added .
3- After landing on the workflow page , click on the ” +” to add the stages ( parallel or substage) according to the requirement .

After a workflow is published, all further changes to the workflow such as form design, adding a new stage, additional rules have to be done in the Admin.

  • Select Admin -> Workflows.
  • Select a workflow and click on Insert new stage.


Specify the name of the stage that you want to insert. Select the previous stage from the dropdown to insert this new stage after the process stage. Select the role from the dropdown that is responsible to review in this stage. Specify the status field valid values such as approved, rejected, completed, pending.

If the stage is parallel to any other process stage, turn on the Is Parallel toggle and select the stage from the dropdown that this stage is parallel with.

Click on Save to save this configuration. The current workflow status is automatically set to inactive and backed up and all changes are made in the copy of the current workflow. You can see the copied workflow name as “Workflow name-Copy” and this will become the new Active workflow.


After the new stage is inserted, you will still need to add the rules for a request in the rules engine to move from this stage to the following stage. Verify if the workflow is configured correctly by viewing the Flowchart of the workflow. Ensure that each stage has at least one line coming in and one line going out.