How do I change the post approval page setting?

Follow the steps below to change the post approval page setting –

  1. Login to Cflow and then click on your profile picture
  2. Select Profile from the menu
  3.  Click on Post Approval
  4.  Choose dashboard if you want to navigate to the dashboard page after you approve or reject a request
  5. Choose stage inbox if you want to navigate to stage inbox after you approve or reject a request
  6. Choose next item in dashboard if you want to navigate to the next request in the dashboard after you approve or reject a request
  7. Choose next item in stage inbox if you want to navigate to the next request in stage inbox after you approve or reject a request
  8. Choose top item in dashboard if you want to navigate to the request that lies at the top of the notifications after you approve or reject a request.

Follow the steps below to manage the post approval page setting it helps in navigation to a page after you approve or reject a request.

  1. Login to Cflow and then click on your profile picture


2. Select Profile from the menu


3. Click on Post Approval


4. Choose dashboard if you want to navigate to the dashboard page after you approve or reject a request

5. Choose stage inbox if you want to navigate to stage inbox after you approve or reject a request

6. Choose next item in dashboard if you want to navigate to the next request in the dashboard after you approve or reject a request

7. Choose next item in stage inbox if you want to navigate to the next request in stage inbox after you approve or reject a request

8. Choose top item in dashboard if you want to navigate to the request that lies at the top of the notifications after you approve or reject a request.