Valid values can be mentioned related to the field type. For example, if you choose the field type that needs to have more than one value, then values can be specified in the valid values field. Field types like Checkbox list, radio button, dropdown, ms dropdown requires valid values to be filled in. You can also specify valid values while designing a form and can make further changes only in the Admin.
Follow the steps given below to configure the valid values for a field in the control center:
- Click on the Admin -> Workflows from the left menu.
- Select a workflow and click on it .
- Click on the Workflow Stages and select the process stage.
- Click on the Form Designer icon then select the field and click on the pencil icon to edit the field.
- In Field Settings select the Field Type, following field type like Checkbox list, radio button, dropdown, ms dropdown requires valid values to be filled in. In Validation Settings specify the valid values for the field.
- Radio Button is used in forms where only a single option is selectable from several mutually exclusive choices.
For example, there is a field called Gender in your form and the user needs to select their appropriate Gender.
- The dropdown field is used when there are multiple options and the user can select only one value from the given options.
For example, there is a field called Applying for a position in Recruitment Process and there can be many roles in an organization but the candidate may apply to any one of the position. In such a case they can select the position from the dropdown.
- MultiSelect Dropdown is used when there are multiple options and the user can select more than one value from the given options.
For example, there is a field called Languages known and it has various options in languages. The user can select the languages known to them.
- Checkbox is used where single action is expected from the user. The user may have to answer ‘yes’ (checked) or ‘no’ (unchecked) for some fields in a form, in such a case the user can check the box.
For example, In an Expense Reimbursement process to ensure that the bill has been attached by the employee which is considered as the proof of expenses to claim the amount spent. In such a case there is a field called Bill Attached so that employee can check the box if he has attached the bill else leave the checkbox empty.
- Checkbox List is used where multiple choice is expected from the user. Some questions may have multiple choices and may require multiple items need to be selected. In such a case user may select more than one option.
For example, Options provided for you on the places that you would prefer to relocate. In such cases you can select multiple places from the options.