How do I make the field Conditional Invisible in a form?

By default, all the field values in a form is visible but in some cases, you may want some of the field to be invisible based on certain conditions. In such a case you can make the field Conditional Invisible having another field value as a reference.

Follow the steps given below to configure the field as conditional invisible in the Admin:

  1. Click on the Admin -> Workflows.
  2. Select a workflow and click on it.
  3. Click on the Workflow Stages and select the process stage.
  4. Click on the Form Designer icon then select the field and click on the pencil icon to edit the field.
  5. In Validation Settings, select Conditional Invisible from the dropdown in Visible.

For Example, when the employee fill in the recruitment form if the employee is a fresher and have 0 years of experience, the current salary field value is irrelevant hence it is invisible.

The below screenshot illustrates the conditions specified in the Current Salary field.

invisible settingsThe below screenshot illustrates that if years of experience is mentioned as 0 then the current salary field is invisible in the form.

cond invisible
The below screenshot illustrates that if years of experience is not then the current salary field is visible.
visible comp