Here is the list of keywords that can be used in your email content:
- Select Admin -> workflows.
- Click on a workflow.
- Select a process stage -> Rules.
- In Add New Action -> Send Email -> Content.
##first group name## – This keyword is used to display the name of the first stage in a workflow.
##group name## – This keyword is used to display the name of the current stage in a workflow.
##workflow name## – This keyword is used to display the name of the current workflow.
##receiver name## – This keyword is used to display the User name of the reviewer role who is responsible for reviewing the record at the next stage.
##submitter name## – This keyword is used to display the User name of the submitter who has submitted or updated the request in a workflow.
##originator name## – This keyword is used to display the name of the initiator who has initiated the request in a workflow.
##CFlow Link## – This keyword is used to share the Cflow link to open the particular record or request in a workflow.
##CFlow-Public-Link## – This keyword is used to share the public form link for a public user to approve a request in Cflow. If you are using Public Form feature and if the public form status is active then you can make use of this keyword in your email subject.