Does Cflow provide analytics for the workflows?

Users can get useful analytics for the workflows in Cflow by following these steps –

1- Select workflow setup from the dashboard.

2- Select the particular workflow for which you wish to apply the settings for analytics.
3-Click on workflow properties.
4- Select the owners that will require access to the analytics for this workflow and set the benchmark (hours).

Workflow analytics in Cflow helps you to identify the process bottlenecks and improve the business processes. We have a drill down report of the workflow analytics based on the SLA. SLA sets the standards for timelines (benchmark) and is used as a point of reference for evaluating the performance of the workflow. The Workflow Analytics graph shows the average time taken to complete the request in a workflow with the average duration at each stage.

In order to view the workflow analytics,

  1. Select Admin -> Workflows.
  2. Click on a workflow -> workflow properties to add the owners.
  3. Select the owners that will require access to the analytics for this workflow and set the benchmark (hours).

Benchmark is the number of hours a request should take to complete one request from initiation to END stage.


The Workflow Analytics page displays the count of workflows that are running as per schedule, workflows that are delayed and workflows that are close to breaching. Take the appropriate action on the workflows that are breaching SLAs or close to breaching the SLA.

The workflow analytics are classified into the following three types:

  • Ontime – Workflows that are running as per schedule are shown as Ontime.
  • Close  – Workflows that are within 10% of breaching SLA are shown as Close.
  • Delayed –  Workflows that have crossed the benchmark hours are shown as Delayed.


For example,

  1. Click on Delayed to see the workflows that have breached SLAs. The bar chart represents the average time taken to complete the request from initiation to the END stage and you can compare it with the benchmark hours for a workflow.


2. To know at which stage the workflow is delayed, click on the workflow to view the average duration in each stage of the workflow.